Training & Development



Management and Leadership Development Program

Conventional ‘training’ is required to cover essential work-related skills, techniques and knowledge. However, the most effective way to develop people is quite different from conventional skills training which, let’s face it, many employees regard quite negatively. They’ll do it of course, but they won’t enjoy it because it’s about work and not about themselves as people. The most effective way to develop people is instead to enable learning and personal development with all that this implies.

Organizations these days are facing great pressure to change, to facilitate and encourage whole-person development and fulfilment-beyond traditional training.

Organizations which approach training and development from this viewpoint inevitably foster people who perform well and progress and importantly, stay around for long enough to become great at what they do and to help others become so. Training should be about whole person development – not just transferring skills, the traditional interpretation of training at work.

Profit is an outcome of managing and developing people well. People and their development enable profit. Enable people and you enable profit.